Community Engagement Survey Report

1. Introduction

The Community Engagement Survey ran from June 28 to July 31, 2024, with a response rate of 15% (227 responses) from the parish's adult population. One response was from outside the parish, so was excluded from analysis.

The survey included both online and paper responses, with a balanced distribution across different age groups, reflecting the 2021 census data. Below is a summary of the survey results with the full analysis being found here

2. Housing

Need for New Housing: 55% of respondents support new housing, particularly younger residents (16-39 age group) and those living in the wider parish outside the village.

Appropriate Number of Dwellings: Half of all responses favour fewer than 30 new dwellings over the next 15 years. Particular support exists for terraced, semi-detached houses, and bungalows.

Housing Types and Tenure: Strong support for starter homes, family, and affordable/social housing. Two and three-bedroom homes are preferred over smaller or larger options.

Potential Development: Location, number of houses and off-street parking are cited as the most important issues for any new development.

Key Concerns: Affordable housing for young families, options for downsizing for older residents, and maintaining a balanced, diverse community are seen as important.

3. Community

Important Facilities: The Medical Centre and the Village Store / Post Office are most highly rated by residents. Footpaths, green spaces, children's play areas, and community halls are all valued.

Desired Improvements: Residents want to see the village pub reopened, better sports and recreational facilities, improved mobile and broadband connectivity, and more facilities for youth.

Protection of Places: The Bird in Hand pub, churches, the village centre, and green spaces are among the most mentioned places residents want to protect from demolition or change of use.

4. Transport

Top Issues: Speeding, road conditions, heavy agricultural traffic, parking issues, and pedestrian safety are the major transport concerns.

Desired Improvements: Traffic calming measures, better pedestrian footpaths, improved parking management, and enhanced road maintenance are key areas.

5. Green Spaces

Green Spaces: There is strong support for the retention and protection of all existing green spaces. There is also specific support for retention of playing fields, sports facilities, playgrounds, and the community woodland, as well as the village green gardens.

Landscape Features: Respondents also mentioned the importance of protecting the distinctive natural characteristics of the area, including woodland, hills and agricultural land. There is also a desire to protect views to and from the Church, and of local hills and fields.

6. Business and Employment

Working from Home: Three quarters of respondents aged 16-64 sometimes work from home, although the percentage is reversed for over 65s.

Additional Space: There is limited support for additional commercial space or meeting rooms, although improved communications, especially phone signal, is desired.

7. Tourism

Encouraging Tourism: While many respondents did not feel that additional tourism was desirable, many listed the reopening and revitalisation of the pub as important to any future tourism.

8. Environment

Renewable Energy: There is a high level of support for domestic and potential community power generation but much less support for commercial power generation

Other Environmental: There is support for recycling, tree planting and management, and for improved drainage and flood management.